HEIN ONLINE U.S. Presidential Library (UI Affiliates Only)
- Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents (1789-1929)
- Economic Report of the President (1947-2014)
- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (1931-2010)
- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1965-2009) - continued as Daily Compilation
- Daily Compilation of the Presidential Documents (2009 to the present)
- Weekly and Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993-present)
- Budget of the United States Government (1996 to the present)
- Economic Report of the President (1995 to the present)
- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (1991-2010)
The American Presidency Project
- Executive Orders (1826 to the present)
- Roosevelt's Fireside Chats
- News Conferences (1929 to the present
- Inaugural Addresses (1789 to the present)
- Annual Messages to Congress (1790 to the present)
- Saturday Addresses (1982 to the present)
- Presidential Signing Statements (1929 to the present)
- Proclamations (1789 to the present)
- Statements of Administration Policy (1997 to the present)
- Nomination Acceptance Addresses (1928 to the present)
- Presidential Candidate Debates (1960 to the present)