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Research Guides

FS 110: Introduction to Food Science: Getting Started

About Reference Books

Reference books are a good way to get an overview of your topic. Reference books usually contain background information and bibliographies (which direct to other sources). In the UI Library, reference books are located on 1st floor near the Reference/Informaiton Desk.

Develop a Search Strategy

  1. Find a topic
  2. Refine your topic
  3. Develop a research question 
  4. Brainstorm by creating a concept map and search terms
  5. Add boolean operators to optimize your search
  6. Use what you learn to continually refine your search

Floor Maps

To find library items

Take a look at our library floor maps

Food Science Reference Resources, Handbooks, and Manuals

Most reference books are located in the reference section on 1st floor. Others can be found in the Main Stacks on 2nd-4th floors. Books are shelved using the Library of Congress Classification system.

The Business of Food The Oxford companion to American food and drink Leung's encyclopedia of common natural ingredients : used in food, drugs, and cosmetics

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