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Research Guides

Psychology (PSYC) 218 - Online [Pula]: Locate Articles from Citations

Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar to locate the full-text of an article from a citation involves four steps:

  1. Setting Google Scholar library links
    1. This allows you to connect Google Scholar to the U of I Library's resources
  2. Reviewing your citation,
  3. Searching Google Scholar, and
  4. Locating the full-text of the article

Set Google Scholar library links:

  • Visit Google Scholar
  • Click the three parallel horizontal lines at the top of the page
  • Click 'Settings' or the 'gear' icon
  • Click 'Library Links'
  • Type 'University of Idaho' in the search box 
  • Click the magnifying glass or hit enter on your keyboard
  • Check the box for 'University of Idaho - Univ of Idaho - Get it'
  • Click 'Save'

You have now connected Google Scholar to the U of I Library's resources.

We can use the following citation as an example:

Strand, P. S., Pula, K., & Downs, A. (2015). Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(3), 400-408.

Review your citation:

  • Identify the title of article
    • Example: Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children
  • Identify the name of the journal where the article was published
    • Example: Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
  • Identify the year when the article was published
    • Example: 2015
  • Identify the associated volume and issue of the journal
    • Example: Volume = 21, Issue = 3

Search Google Scholar:

  • Visit Google Scholar
  • Type the title of the article into the search box
    • Example: Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children
  • Click the magnifying glass or hit enter on your keyboard
  • Find the correct article title in the results list
  • Click the 'Univ of Idaho - Get it' link next to the article title
    • If a 'Univ of Idaho - Get It' link is not available, request the PDF for free via Interlibrary Loan

Locate the full-text of the article:

  • On the new page, under 'View It', click the 'Full text available at' link that provides access to the correct year
    • Example: 2015
    • Example: EBSCOhost PsycARTICLES
      • This database provides access to articles published between 1995 and present
  • Enter your U of I - NetID if prompted
  • Download the article PDF or read it online

U of I Library's Catalog

Using the U of I Library's catalog to locate the full-text of an article from a citation involves three steps:

  1. Reviewing your citation,
  2. Searching the Library's catalog, and
  3. Locating the full-text of the article

We can use the following citation as an example:

Strand, P. S., Pula, K., & Downs, A. (2015). Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(3), 400-408.

Review your citation:

  • Identify the title of article
    • Example: Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children
  • Identify the name of the journal where the article was published
    • Example: Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
  • Identify the year when the article was published
    • Example: 2015
  • Identify the associated volume and issue of the journal
    • Example: Volume = 21, Issue = 3

Search the Library's catalog:

  • Visit the University of Idaho Library's website
  • Type the title of the article into the 'Search the catalog...' search box
    • Example: Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children
  • Click the magnifying glass or hit enter on your keyboard

Locate the full-text of the article:

  • Find and click the correct article title in the results list
    • Example: Social values and preschool behavioral adjustment: A comparative investigation of Latino and European American preschool children
      1. If the article does not appear in the results list, request the PDF for free via Interlibrary Loan
  • Under 'View It', click the 'Full text available at' link that provides access to the correct year
    • Example: 2015
    • Example: EBSCOhost PsycARTICLES
      • This database provides access to articles published between 1995 and present
  • Enter your U of I - NetID if prompted
  • Download the article PDF or read it online

Use Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a Library service that allows you to request materials, such as articles or books, that are neither owned by the UI Library nor available through Summit.

Interlibrary Loan is free.

First time users: Visit the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) website to set-up your ILL account

To place an Interlibrary Loan request:

  1. Search for the item you would like to request using the Library catalog
  2. If this item does not appear in the search results, visit the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) website
  3. Click 'ILLiad Login'
  4. Enter your U of I - NetID credentials
  5. Under 'New Request,' click the item type
  6. Fill-in the required fields, then click on 'Submit'
    • You will receive an email when your item is ready to pick-up or download