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Research Guides

Civil Engineering: Standards

A guide to Civil Engineering resources at the University of Idaho Library.

Industry Standards in University of Idaho Library

Many professional organizations publish industry standards. The UI Library provides access to the full text of standards from the following organizations:

ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)
University of Idaho Users Only

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). The UI Library owns the complete printed collection of ASTM’s 2009 standards, available at the UI Library Reference Collection (1st floor), call number Ref TA401.A43.

To find specific ASTM Standards in print:

  1. Identify the volume number of your standard either by doing a search on the ASTM web site (example:  Book of Standards: Volume 15.12) 

    You can also find volume numbers by using the ASTM Book of Standards Index Volume 00 at call number TA401.A43 (1st Floor Reference). The web search is easier!

  2. Use the volume number from step 1 to find the correct volume and locate the standard in it. Standards are in alpha-numeric order within the volumes. 


IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The UI Library subscribes to the IEEE Explore database which provides access to their published standards.
University of Idaho Users Only

NSSN: A National Resource for Global Standards This is a free search engine for standards-related information for the U.S. and internationally, as well. “offers background materials and useful links for locating information about the use of standards in government.”


Standards Search Engines

Use these tools to search for standards, to access them the check the library using the Standards guide linked from this page.

NSSN Search Engine for Standards

Techstreet Standards and Specifications Search

Standards Organizations