Below are a sample of databases owned by the University of Idaho library, related to the subjects within Family and Consumer Studies.
While some databases include the full text of articles, others only provide citations. Citations may include the Find It link to help you find full text through other sources.
When an article in a database does not include full text, click on the "Find It" link:
You may be redirected to the article, to the library catalog, or to interlibrary loan.
Below is an example of an article that is available online. Clicking on one of the links after "Full text available at" will take you to the article.
If you have any problems, ask a librarian for help.
Go to Scholar Preferences and scroll down to "Library Links". Type "University of Idaho" in the search box, and select both "University of Idaho-U Idaho 360 Link" and "Open WorldCat-Library Search". Scroll down and save changes. This will allow Google Scholar to cross-check some of our subscriptions and give you full-text access with your UI log-in.
You can use the "CRAAP" test to help you evaluate the information sources you find.
Currency – How up-to-date is the information? Is the date appropriate for your topic?
Relevance – Is the information directly about your topic? Is it too simple? Too complex? What audience is this written for?
Authority – Who is the author? What are his/her credentials? Why should you believe the author?
Accuracy – Where does the information come from? Are there references or a bibliography? Is the information consistent with unrelated sources? Does the appearance seem professional?
Purpose – Why was this information published? What audience is this written for? Is there a commercial or persuasive purpose?