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Animal and Veterinary Science: Reference

Animal and Veterinary Science: Subject Structure

Want to browse the collection?  Books are located on the first floor in reference and the 2nd (T-Z), 3rd (H-S), and 4th (A-G) floors in the main stacks, organized by Library of Congress Classification system.

Call Number Areas to Browse

Description Call #
Agricultural economics HD1401
Rural sociology HT401-485
Genetics QH426-470
Reproduction QH471-489
Zoology QL
Physiology QP
Microbiology QR
Transmission of disease (including zoonoses) RA639-642
Agriculture S
Plant and crop science SB 
Animal science SF
Aquaculture SH
Environmental technology, including water supply,water pollution and water systems TD
Biotechnology TP248.13-248.65 

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Animal and Veterinary Science Reference Resources, Handbooks, and Manuals

The reference section is located on the first floor. Books are shelved using the  Library of Congress Classification system.


Merck Veterinary Manual Encyclopedia of Animal Science International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences