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Research Guides

Fisheries and Aquaculture: Data and Statistics

Fish & Wildlife Population Data

Idaho Data

Climate Data

Soil, Vegetation, and Land Use Data

Citing Datasets

If you are following a particular style, try to form the citation according to the general rules of that style.  If in doubt, it is better to provide more information than less.

The general parts of a data citation are:

1. Responsible Party; 

2. Title of dataset; 

3. Edition or version of dataset, if applicable; 

4. Name and location of data center, repository, or publisher; 

5. Date published; 

6. Analysis software, if required; 

7. Date accessed; 

8. URL, DOI or other persistent link; 

9. Parameters selected, if applicable

Alternately, Mark Parsons from the NCAR Library suggests this:

Author(s).  ReleaseDate. Title, Version. [editor(s)]. Archive. Locator (such as DOI). [date/time accessed]. [subset used].

More information, examples, and thoughts on citing datasets can be found here.