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Research Guides

Business & Economics Resources: Course Reserves

An introduction to the business resources at the University of Idaho Library

Harvard Business Review Course Reserves Guidelines

For Instructors

Harvard Business Review (HBR) has very strict copyright rules governing the use of their materials.  The HBR 500 articles and HBR cases are not typically available via our library databases.  HBR requests that faculty wishing to use these articles for course reserves register as an educator and set up an online coursepack for students.  HBR will then provide free digital desk copies to instructors as well as teaching notes for HBR cases. 

HBR articles are somewhat less restricted, but neither libraries nor instructors are permitted to directly link to these materials from Leganto or Canvas. Instead, students need to search for the articles themselves. Instructions on how to do that are below. 


For Students

*Note: Harvard Business Review has very strict copyright rules that prevent the library from providing direct links to their articles from our course reserves site.  The library subscribes to some HBR resources in its databases, Business Source Premier or ABI/INFORM Global.   

You can search for HBR articles by title in a database. Navigate to the database title by using the “Databases A-Z" link under the search box on the library homepage. 



Instructions for Students - Part 1

You can search for HBR articles by title in a database. Navigate to the database title by using the “Databases A-Z" link under the search box on the library homepage. 

1. Search for your article.  



Instructions for Students - Part 2

2. If the library has access to your article, you should see it in the results list.