Fully searchable and browsable technical documents published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Includes: Annual Meeting Papers; Applied Engineering in Agriculture; ASABE Standards; Biological Engineering Transactions, Journal of Agriculture Safety and Health; Resource Magazine; Transactions of ASABE
Our subscription includes CAB Abstracts (1973-current), Global Health (1973-current), and CAB Abstracts Archives (1900-1973). Subjects covered include animal science; crop protection; plant science; parasitology; human and animal nutrition; natural resources and ecology; forestry, forest products and agroforesty; soil science; rural development, tourism and economics; food science and food products; biotechnology; and agricultural engineering.
Forest Science Info has been incorporated into CAB Direct. Coverage: 1900 - present
Major areas of coverage include aquatic pollution, bacteriology, ecology, energy resources, environmental biotechnology & engineering, environmental impact statements, hazardous waste, industrial hygiene, microbiology, and risk assessment.
NTIS serves as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today. NTIS gives access to approximately 3 million publications covering over 350 subject areas.
Provides access to full text IEEE and IET journals, magazines, transactions, IEEE and IET conference proceedings, active IEEE standards. Coverage: 1988 present, with select content published since 1893
Online access to more than 500 titles in "numerous content areas, including Bioengineering, Power & Energy, and Communication Technologies, among other growing areas of research". Coverage: 1974-2012
Website for Elsevier science journals. The UI has subscription access to articles for 1,800 titles back to 1995. These titles are indicated by a green icon in the journal listing. Users may view tables of contents and abstracts from ’1,300 non-subscribed’ journals. Users who register may receive free table of contents alerts. Coverage: 1995-present
The UI Library subscription to Web of Science contains Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index. The Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully indexes 6.650 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.
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Choose the search scope by selecting either UI + Summit + Articles (all materials); UI + Summit (items owned by UI and member libraries); or UI Library Only(items owned only by the UI Library).
Limiting your search: Start with a basic search and once you find a book that seems to be about your topic, you can use the format and/orother options located on the left to further narrow your search.
On the Advanced Search page, the year, language, and location (to name a few options) of items can be limited.
Subject headings can be a great way to narrow in on your topic.