Ebooks can be accessed through our library catalog. For more information about Ebooks, including how to download them, please visit our finding eBook guide.
Some ebook packages will require downloading Adobe Digital Editions (free computer download) or the Bluefire App (fire mobile phone app in the iTunes store or the Android Store).
Books are located on the 2nd (T-Z), 3rd (H-S), and 4th (A-G) floors organized by the Library of Congress Classification system. Search for books using the library catalog.
Call Number Areas to Browse
Description | Call # |
Insects | QL 461-599.82 |
Insect Rearing | SF 518 |
Bee Culture | SF 521-539.8 |
Lac-Insects | SF 561 |
Economic Entomology | SB 818-945 |
Biology | QH |
Zoology | QL |