A citation alert notifies you whenever a publication (e.g. journal article) of your choice has been cited by a new publication, once it has been added to the database.
Annual Reviews
- Search an article or topic.
- Click on the title of an article that you want to add as a citation alert.
- Click on Email or RSS (located within citation information).
Web of Science
- Search for article or topic.
- Click on the title of an article that you want to add as a citation alert.
- Click on Create Citation Alert. Log in. An email alert will automatically be sent. Click on RSS to initiate feed alert.
Google Scholar
- Currently Google Scholar only provides email alerts.
- Search the article, topic, or author.
- Click on either the author's name or the article title that you would like to add as a citation alert.
- For author searches, select Follow new citations.
- For articles, select Cited by, then Create Email Alert.