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Research Guides

AGED 180: Intro to Agricultural & Extension Education: Getting Started

Research sources for students in agricultural and extension education

About Reference Resources

Why For an overview of your topic. These items usually contain background information and bibliographies (which direct to other sources).
Where  1st floor reference collection, reference databases
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  3. Develop a research question 
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  6. Use what you learn to continually refine your search

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Reference Books

Call numbers beginning with Ref are in the reference section and cannot be checked out.


Call #

Encyclopedia of Agrichemicals

Ref S584.4.E53 2003

Encyclopedia of agricultural, food, and biological engineering

TP368.2.E57 2003

Encyclopedia of Animal Science

Ref SF61.E496 2005

Encyclopedia of Grain Science

Ref SB188.4.E5 2004

Encyclopedia of organic, sustainable, and local food

Ref HD9005.E645 2010

Encyclopedia of Pest Management

Ref SB950.7.E63 2002

Encyclopedia of plant and crop science

Ref SB45.E486 2004

Encyclopedia of Seeds

Ref SB117.E455 2006

Encyclopedia of Soil Science, 2nd ed.

S592.E517 2006

Encyclopedia of Water Science

S494.5.W3E54 2008

Hayes' Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology

RA1270.P4H394 2010; ebook

Handbook on agricultural education in public schools

S531.P57 2008

Handbook of molecular technologies in crop disease management

SB732.65.V53 2007

Handbook of organic food safety and quality

S605.5.H355 2007

Handbook of rural studies

Internet HT409.H36 2006

Handbook of sustainable development

HC79.E5H3186 2007

Handbook of Vegetable Pests

Ref SB608.V4C243 2001

Hortus Third

Ref SB45.B3 1976

Idaho Agricultural Statistics

Ref HD1775.I2A32

Mansfield’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Ref SB107.M38 2001

Methods of Soil Analysis

Ref S493.M4453 1994

The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Ref S414.O4 2011

The Pesticide Manual

Ref SB951.B745 2009

The Sage handbook of remote sensing

G70.4.S16 2009

Sittig’s Handbook of Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals

Ref S633.S6265 2005

Soil and water conservation handbook

S624.A1U54 2006

Westcott's plant disease handbook

Ref SB731.W47 2008