Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD) is the premier academic research and teaching tool for courses needing quality information for locating Children’s and Young Adult books and other media. The content includes over 2.6 million fiction/non-fiction records with 650,000+ national and international awards plus 540,000+ quality, professional reviews. It includes over 330,000 author/title links plus lesson plans and teaching guides. The search engine offers 45 search-limiters to easily find appropriate materials such as: determining interest & reading levels; select trade books based on standards; create thematic, annotated biographies; interpret reviews; develop STEM book collections and more. Distant education students use a World Cat link to find materials at a local library. Students can set up their own My CLCD account to save their search assignments.
University of Idaho has recently partnered with Academic Impressions, an organization specializing in professional development resources for higher education administrators. This partnership provides all faculty, staff, and students at University of Idaho with membership access to a host of training resources designed specifically for professionals working in our industry. Topics areas range from skills-based trainings for professionals in all areas of higher ed, to leadership trainings on topics such as supervision, personal effectiveness, and diversity, equity, & inclusion, and more.
This current events database allows researchers to explore social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in todays classrooms. TOPICsearch contains full text for over 150,000 articles from more than 475 diverse sources, including nearly 1,600 full text periodicals.